Fukuoka Area
Dazaifu Tenmangu Shrine
Main shrine of Tenmangu, where Sugawara Michizane, god of learning, is enshrined.
Chikugo Area
Yume Tachibana Plum Blossom Viewing Festival
Fukuoka Area
Maizuru Park
A treasure trove of history and nature on the site of Fukuoka Castle, a comprehensive park with sports facilities
Chikugo Area
Fukuoka Green Center
Kitakyushu Area
Shida Ume Festival (Tsunashiki Tenmangu Shrine)
Enjoy colorful blooming plum blossoms and events at a shrine related to Michizane Sugawara!
Chikuho Area
Plum blossoms at Yakiyama Arboretum
A hidden spot for viewing plum and cherry blossoms from late February to March.
Kitakyushu Area
Ashiyagama no Sato Village
Chikugo Area
Ozashiki Bonsai Plum Blossom Garden
Fantastic large weeping plum trees! Happy moments surrounded by the scent of plum blossoms!
Chikugo Area
Ishibashi Cultural Center
Chikugo Area
“Shogun” Plum Blossom Festival at Miyanojin Shrine
Kitakyushu Area
Yomiya Park
Chikuho Area
Bairin Park’s Plum Blossom Viewing Festival
Fukuoka Area
Chinkokuji Temple
Chikugo Area
Ozashiki Plum Grove Seikien
A must-see spot for plum blossoms and fragrance in a large garden and old sitting room.
Chikuho Area
The Autumn Foliage of Manyo Park