Ashiyagama no Sato Village


The town of Ashiya earned national prominence as a maker of iron tea kettles for Japanese tea ceremonies, or “kama”, in the Muromachi Era (mid-14th century - late 16th century). Now, casters at Ashiyagama no Sato Village are hard at work trying to restore the production of such kettles in their studios.
Visitors to the village can find iron kettles from the Muromachi Era displayed in the museum or enjoy a drink of “matcha (Japanese green ceremonial tea)” while seated on chairs at a low table in the tea room or Japanese garden! The plum blossoms in February or azaleas in April and May are particularly beautiful.

*About Ashiyagama no Sato Village: Built in May 1, 1995; Area - 908 square meters (about 9,768 square feet)
*Tours: Guided tours available with advanced reservations.
*Accessibility: Wheelchair rental; wheelchair-accessible bathrooms; guide dogs permitted

Basic Information

Address (Japanese) 807-0141 福岡県遠賀郡芦屋町山鹿1558-3
Address 1558-3 Yamaga, Ashiya Town, Onga County, Fukuoka
Telephone Number 093-223-5881(芦屋釜の里)
Contact Ashiya Town Board of Education
Fax Number 093-223-5882
Car Park 50 vehicels
Access By bus - 8 minute walk from the Kitakyushu City “Yamaga Yubinkyoku Mae” Bus stop

*Information on facilities is subject to change. Please check each official website for the latest information.


Kitakyushu Area
Flowers & Plants Historic Buildings, Towns & Gardens Museums & Archives Factory & Facility Tours
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Plum blossoms

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