Safe Trip In Fukuoka Japan
About Fukuoka Prefecture
Fukuoka. Gateway to Kyushu, Japan’s third largest island. Connecting the world to a region rich in ancient culture and stunning natural beauty. Fukuoka is a crossroads between cultures, cultivating diversity and cosmopolitan citizens who extend their warm welcome to those near and far. It’s where tradition coexists with the contemporary and urban spaces grow in harmony with nature.
Fukuoka is a compact hub. Explore vibrant urban sprawls or endless verdant forests, both within a 60-kilometer radius of Fukuoka City. Zip to the airport in just 10 minutes from the capital’s city center. Nowhere else in Japan will you find a diverse network of people and places in such a small area.
Access From Tokyo (Via Train)

Let’s Travel Safely in Fukuoka Prefecture!
In order to have a safe and comfortable trip, Fukuoka Prefecture recommends traveling while taking precautions against COVID-19. While filming this video, masks were worn when interacting with other people.
There are occasions when masks do not need to be worn, such as when outdoors, while maintaining social distancing when indoors, and while eating.
Basic Points of Fukuoka Prefecture’s Coronavirus Countermeasures
Fukuoka Prefecture calls for the thorough implementation of basic infection prevention measures, such as avoiding the “3 Cs” (closed spaces, crowded places, and close contact), hand-washing, mask-wearing (not required when maintaining a sufficient distance from others while outside), ventilation, etc. The prefecture also recommends patronizing restaurants and such that have received third-party certification of infection prevention measures and instructs restaurant operators to comply with industry-specific guidelines.
Basic Coronavirus Countermeasures
In addition to following proper coughing and hand-washing etiquette, the Japanese government is urging people to avoid the “3 Cs” (closed spaces, crowded places, and close contact) to prevent the spread of COVID-19.

For more information, please check the Cabinet Secretariat’s COVID-19 Information and Resources page.
What You Need to Know About COVID-19 in Japan
・Countries/regions with restrictions on entry into Japan, quarantine measures upon entering Japan, Japan visa restrictions, etc.:
Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan Overseas Safety Page (Japanese)
Ministry of Justice Immigration Services Agency of Japan
*Entry restrictions, quarantine measures, etc. are frequently updated, oftentimes without advance notice. Please view the above websites for the latest information.
・Info on entry restrictions (certificates to be presented, apps that need to be installed, etc.):
Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare
・Japan’s COVID-19 Vaccination Situation:
Prime Minister of Japan and His Cabinet (Japanese)
Prime Minister of Japan and His Cabinet
・Response When Injured or Sick in Japan:
Response When Injured or Sick in Japan (PDF)
・Please call the following phone number if you are exhibiting COVID-19 symptoms while in Fukuoka Prefecture.:
Fukuoka International Medical Support Center (support in 21 languages)
・Japan Hospital Search Engine:
New Travel Etiquette
The Japan Tourism Agency has compiled a list of infection countermeasures by situation for travelers to keep in mind.