Harazuru’s Summer Seasonal Scenery Ukai Fishing


Records of Ukai fishing (cormorant fishing) have been found in the Book of Sui from ~1,400 years ago, as well as the Nihon Shoki. It is a precious fishing tradition that can only be seen in 13 places in all of Japan.

Time period: 20th of May- end of September
Touring: Adults JPY2,160, children JPY1,080

Basic Information

Address (Japanese) 838-1521 福岡県朝倉市原鶴温泉 原鶴大橋乗り場
Address 26-12 Hakishiwa, Asakura City
Telephone Number 0946-62-0001(原鶴温泉旅館協同組合)
Contact Harazuru Onsen Ryokan Cooperative Association
Car Park Available
Access An 1-hour bus ride from Tenpaizan Station of JR Kagoshima Main line and disembark at Harazuru Onsen.
Website http://www.harazuru.jp/

*Information on facilities is subject to change. Please check each official website for the latest information.


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