White Wall “Dozo Dzukuri” Construction Style


Yoshii Town flourished as an inn town during the Edo Era (1603 - 1867), and from the Meiji Era (1867 - 1912) on continued to be a prosperous town of merchants who made their means by investing the money they made through sumac wax production and sake brewing. This type of financial activity was uncommon at the time and came to be known as “Yoshii Gane”. Although the town had suffered three serious fires by the early Meiji Era, the locals used their ingenuity in utilizing the “dozo dzukuri” construction style to protect their homes from fire. Today, about 250 homes in this region are grouped into a Government-Designated Important Traditional Building Preservation Area! The area is famous for the Chikugo Yoshii Tour of Dolls (Ohinasama Meguri) held in spring every year.

*About the Buildings: Government-Designated Important Traditional Building Preservation Area

Basic Information

Address (Japanese) 839-1306 福岡県うきは市吉井町
Address Along Route 210, Yoshii Town, Ukiha City, Fukuoka
Telephone Number 0943-76-3980(観光会館 土蔵(くら))
Contact Ukiha City Tourism Association, Yoshii Branch
Car Park 800 - 1,000 vehicles
Access By train - Directly outside of JR Chikugo Yoshii Station

*Information on facilities is subject to change. Please check each official website for the latest information.


Chikugo Area
Historic Buildings, Towns & Gardens Explore

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