Effective for boosting romantic luck The ’Heart Rock’

恋愛運アップに効果的 ハート岩

Here there are two items of interest: the ”Kehogi-iwa” which is said to have been made long ago when a flying horse kicked it, and the ”Heart Rock” (220m vertical and 180m horizontal) which has attracted significant attention as a sacred place for marriage and love. At the viewing spot for Kehogi-iwa there is a ’Bell of Happiness’ that you can ring to pray for success in love.

All year long

Basic Information

Address (Japanese) 福岡県八女市矢部村日向神
Address Hyugami, Yabe Village, Yame City
Telephone Number 0943-22-6644(八女市茶のくに観光案内所)
Contact Yame-shi Cha-no-Kuni Tourist Information Center
Car Park None
Access [Car] 60 minutes by car from Yame I.C.

*Information on facilities is subject to change. Please check each official website for the latest information.


Chikugo Area
Scenic Spots & Natural Monuments

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