

Ainoshima is just 35 minutes away from Kokura by boat. The area of this island inhabited by 100 households covers about 0.7 square kilometres, so you can explore the island on foot in just one day. The island is perfect for enjoying fishing and other island activities.

The Senjoshiki on the north side of the island is a must-visit. To get there, start walking from the harbor, and turn right in the point where the road splits into two (8th photo from the lower left).
Senjoshiki (’thousand spread tatami mats’) gets its name from the fact that during low tide, you can see bedrocks that appear is if the ground had been covered with tatami mats. From here you can see the island of Kainoshima (the right end), and if you walk to the right during low tide, you will see the island of Himeshima (upper left island in the picture). You can access both islands on foot during low tide. The ocean water is beautifully clear, allowing you to relax to your heart’s content. We recommend that you visit on a clear, sunny day, and see the Senjoshiki during low tide with your own eyes. Barbeque is OK as long as you take all the trash with you. However, please note that there is no water supply provided. It takes 3、40 minutes from the harbor to Senjoshiki by foot.
On the way to Senjoshiki you can see the Ainoshima Tomi Bansho Hatabashira (2nd picture from the right), two towers built in 1721 (Kyoho year 6) to look out for smuggling ships. The sign is hard to spot so be alerted. (3rd picture from the right)

Basic Information

Address (Japanese) 802-0091 福岡県北九州市小倉北区藍島
Address Ainoshima, Kokurakita Ward, Kitakyushu City
Telephone Number 093-582-3335(小倉北区総務企画課)
Contact Kokurakita-ku Community Development Promoting Section
Access You can explore the island on foot, or have fun by the sea. We reckon that the rare experience of travelling on a boat will also refresh your body and soul.
Kitakyushu City Boats Kokura Route From Kokura to Ainoshima (a stop at Umashima)
one-way trip about 35 minutes
Inquiries: Kitakyushu City Boat Operations  093-861-0961
*3 one-way ferry crossings per 1 day
*The boat is not a ferry, so boarding a car is not possible.
*For details see Kitakyushu

*Information on facilities is subject to change. Please check each official website for the latest information.


Kitakyushu Area
Coast, Cape, and Island

Neighborhood Sightseeing spots Neighborhood Sightseeing spots

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