Winch Pedestal


This pedestal was used to support a winch that would hoist or lower a rope to pull a lorry, delivering materials and miners to (and mining coal from) an underground coal-mining shaft. It is one of the largest in the Chikuho region and is thought to have been used in the Taisho Era (1912 - 1926). This red brick pedestal is a rare find, since winch pedestals built after World War II were all constructed using cement. At the time of its use, there is thought to have been a power shed on the pedestal that ran off a steam engine.

About the Structure: Town-Designated Tangible Cultural Asset; built at the end of the Taisho Era or beginning of the Showa Era (1920’s).

Basic Information

Address (Japanese) 820-0073 福岡県飯塚市平恒460-8
Address 460-8 Hiratsune, Izuka City, Fukuoka
Telephone Number 0948-25-2930(飯塚市歴史資料館)
Open 9am - 5pm
Price Free
Car Park Unavailable
Access By train - A 20 minute walk from JR Tento Station on the Chikuho Main Line.

*Information on facilities is subject to change. Please check each official website for the latest information.


Chikuho Area
Industrial Heritage

Neighborhood Sightseeing spots Neighborhood Sightseeing spots

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