Onogama (pottery)


A potter, Mr. Seiji Ono who has helped his father to produce potteries since childhood at Onogama says he didn’t have any doubt to go into producing potteries. His faith and stance that he will go forward with the history are consistent and never shifted. He uses traditional techniques called Tobikanna and Hakeme when he creates innovative original works as well as traditional ones. Moreover, in order to contribute to his hometown, Koishiwara, he obtained a qualification of traditional craftsman and devotes himself to instruct younger people. With a wish to convey the Koishiwara’s great point without being caught up in the tide of the times, he produces potteries and works for Koishiwara’s future and preservation of tradition as well.

Basic Information

Address (Japanese) 838-1601 福岡県朝倉郡東峰村小石原878-2
Address 1951-1 Koishiwara, Toho Village, Asakura County
Telephone Number 0946-74-2350(小野窯元)
Contact Onogama
Open 8am - 5pm
Closed Undetermined
Price Plate: 600 yen (pictured below, the red dish)
*Credit cards are not accepted.
Car Park Available
Access About a 30 minute drive from the Haki Interchange off the Oita Expressway

*Information on facilities is subject to change. Please check each official website for the latest information.


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