Kiinokou Castle trace


It is the temple of the Soto sect founded in about 1490 by 麻生弘繁. A person [井上周防之房] who served the Kurodas 4s feudal lord later revived. I stand still quietly in the forest and am a temple full of the profound historic emotion that seems to be drawn naturally. I call Yamashiro of Buzen Utsunomiya castle Inoue (きいのこう) castle. Country Nobufusa Utsunomiya going out of power who Buzen Utsunomiya is appointed 豊前守 by a life of Yoritomo Minamoto, and became the post of lord of a manor of Buzen is the origin. Because I based on the here Joi Valley, I give Mr. Joi. Because the Joi volost castle is Yamashiro not a general saying castle, it is a fort built on the mountaintop that is not very large at all. There are not the castle towers, but the view is a superb view. Say the last stronghold of Joi, Utsunomiya; can do it, and there is the mountain trail to the site of castle at the mountaintop as is Yamashiro, but it is a difficult place while there is chain ground in the middle of the mountain trail, and can imagine those days. The state of things cannot arrive at the top probably because I lick it. Confirm the maintenance situation of mountain trails by all means. Let’s give it up if we judge it not to be able to climb it safely. You must never make light of a way to Yamashiro.

Basic Information

Address (Japanese) 829-0125 福岡県築上郡築上町寒田
Address 2005-3, Sawada, Chikujo Town, Chikujo County
Telephone Number 0930-52-0001(築上町役場 商工課 商工観光係)
Contact Chikujo-machi government office business and industry section
Access It is about 40-minute walk in Sawada Line on foot on foot from a front gate to a rear gate from a Jizo shrine from the original campground of 牧 from the Sawada bus stop to a 40-minute walk front gate for approximately three minutes for approximately 15 minutes

*Information on facilities is subject to change. Please check each official website for the latest information.


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