Okinohata Suitengu Shrine Festival


At the Okinohata Suitengu Shrine Festival, a boat with a stage called a “sanjinmaru” floats on a canal, and as it gets dark after sunset, music played by the Suitengu Shrine Festival Music Preservation Society and dances are dedicated to the three gods housed at the shrine while the boat cruises slowly or stops in the canal. Given Yanagawa City’s history of international exchange with Nagasaki and Amakusa (Kumamoto Prefecture) Cities as a fishing port, Suitengu Shrine Festival Music is also called Netherlandish Festival Music, giving listners a taste of the exotic! The three types of music (“Up”, “Down”, and “Paused”) are changed with the movement of the boat.

Basic Information

Address (Japanese) 福岡県柳川市沖端町 沖端水天宮
Address Okinohata Suitengu Shrine, Okinohata, Yanagawa City, Fukuoka
Telephone Number 0944-74-0891(柳川市観光案内所)
Contact Yanagawa City Tourist Association
Access By bus - a 5 minute walk from the Nishitetsu or Horikawa “Ohana Mae” Bus stop
Website http://www.yanagawa-net.com/

*Information on facilities is subject to change. Please check each official website for the latest information.


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