Trekking: Mt. Sarakura & Hiraodai Limestone Plateau

トレッキング: 皿倉山と平尾台石灰岩高原

In 2017, in commemoration of the 100th anniversary of the former Yahata City system (now a part of Kitakyushu City), a general election was held to determine the area’s most scenic spots, with Mt. Sarakura (622m) making the selection. Now known as Sarakura Hakkei, visitors can take a cable car and slope car, or any of the numerous hiking trails, to reach the observatory at the top. The panoramic view of the city is called a “10 billion dollar night view,” and is designated as one of the “New Three Major Night Views of Japan.” The observatory’s Tenku Dome is illuminated, mainly on weekends, making the site a popular date spot.

Further south, Hiraodai, is one of the three major karsts in Japan and is designated as a national park, a prefectural natural park and a natural monument. Natural limestone is scattered about the slopes ranging from 300 to 700 meters above sea level. On the trail, you can see several unusual rock formations like “Lion Rock” and “Kissing Rock,” as well as “rootless trees” growing from the limestone. You can also explore several natural caves and join a caving experience that includes soba-making and pottery.


Basic Information

Address (Japanese) 福岡県北九州市八幡東区尾倉、北九州市小倉南区平尾台1
Address 1 Hiraodai, Kokuraminami Ward, Kitakyushu City Ogura, Yahatahigashi Ward, Kitakyushu City

*Information on facilities is subject to change. Please check each official website for the latest information.


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